Hey Bright Spirits!
Hopefully, you had time to read my HumanDarkMatter post because that pretty much sums up my life tone when it comes to people in the broader world. If not, well...its not ideal for relationships with civilization as we are experiencing it.
On the brighter side,
It's easier to refocus on what really matters when so many other things count less ( in America, women's rights in 2024, for example).
What matters is Power.
That's how Laws and Money and People on this planet get what they want; systemic/financial Power.
Power to fuel their ambitions, or to change the laws, innovate space travel, etc. While the wise and wonderless amongst us hope that they do right, or are sincere, all that stuff that rarely happens.
I Did say "Brighter Side"?
Well, I'm excited to continue using AI to bridge the gap between resources and development. It's a new type of Power that I'm very conditionally 'Pro', and one which I'm trying to build into the culture and community propagated via aurorasoul.com.
Speaking of our culture here;
We're developing more into a community resource-developing media company compared to our origins as a digital indie art magazine.
Here are some of the general hastags we self-identify with:
#evolution #revolution #science #tech #arts #music #selfcare #economics #philosophy #scifi #community #resources #cosmic #symbiosis #thirdeye #dusk108 #aurorasoul #brightspirits #lifestyle
Our value structure roughly follows:
The individual
Self-development as a discipline, education and thought provocation
Our Community
structuring initiatives with like minds within our network.
expanding our community's reach to have resources work for us.
The World
Focusing on improvement, innovation, life improving technologies.
Nature and technology symbiosis
Building within ecosystems for sustainability and regenerative outcomes
The Beyond
Illuminated the imagination with self-manifestation; the power to build, express and explore broad reality.
This is a great gauge for how deep you want to explore our initiatives, while also highlighting our Agenda.
systemic and financial power.
Building institutions for resources development and community sustainability.
How do WE do that?
It's a formula many have and are currently working on. those not already initiated.
Diasporas and whatnot. The good and bad but good news is; that there isn't any one answer for all of any one large community, but there are many answers. They all share the basics in common (at least most I can practically think of) and that's some type of power within a system. Wealth alone isn't enough, but it's a prerequisite and also part of the big-picture solution for better people.
That brings me back to AI and my pro, but conditional stances. My condition is this: it only matters to me if my community has legs in the race, but too many of us aren't even willing to walk. It's terrifying to me because it's like being afraid of fire and staying in the stone age. In this day and age, that just means a greater divide between consumer and individual. Yes, that kinda implies AI can help you be less of a sheep and more of a self-discovered being and I mean it.
It's the one tool that's cutting edge, barely regulated, and accessible to anyone online for free right now. Even better if you subscribe to premium features. It would be a better investment than streaming TV. Truly consider that.
the choice for something to help cultivate your potential, goals, and abilities, vs Disney+.
You can most definitely have both, but you should always invest in yourself 1st.
If you're still skeptical about using AI, and for your own development, what if there was an infrastructure that automates it for you? Fine-tuned by your best interest for development, wealth, and community opportunities?
we don't know any. not in this version of capitalism in America. Matter of fact, this version may collapse within itself and leave too many of us worse off. Unless we innovate within the system. We can use technology to develop our own digital infusture working on behalf of our best interest.
Full disclosure, That is something I've personally been working on for a couple of years now, prior to the AI utility boom. There i was doing math and drafting virtual networks in a notebook and one day I was just able to work with AI and boom! I immediately overwhelmed myself with possibilities.
I have dozens of hobbies and interests, most of which I super-express as some type of media publishing. Most people only need one to focus on; something to make the grin of life easier, and worth it, while generating a return.
AI is the new fundamental tool set. it can help you turn your business idea into a plan of action, with resource links, it can ghostwrite your life chronicles, or help you learn anything new. its the gateway, a large indifferent one that we have to understand how to navigate, utilize, and innovate while it's still #opensource ...ish.